Press Release for CPII and RTHK Partnered to Enrich the Chief Executive’s 2024 Policy Address Broadcast

[Hong Kong, 17 October 2024] – The Centre for Perceptual and Interactive Intelligence (CPII), an InnoCentre focused on Artificial Intelligence and led by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, has teamed up with Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) to enrich the live broadcast of the Chief Executive’s 2024 Policy Address .

By leveraging cutting-edge AI research and development, CPII has seamlessly applied advanced technologies, including customizable speech recognition, machine translation, automatic error correction, and key point extraction, into real-time broadcasting. This initiative underscores CPII’s commitment to utilizing innovative AI solutions for societal benefit while promoting technological progress and enhancing workflow productivity.

Key features of CPII’s AI technologies include:

Cutomizable speech recognition engine supporting dynamic hotwords update such as rare words or names and real-time transcription for Cantonese, English, and Mandarin, as well as code-switching across these three languages, ensuring seamless communication.
Cantonese-to-English translation for automatic translation of transcribed Cantonese speech into English text, facilitating broader accessibility and understanding for diverse audiences.
Automatic Error Correction and Punctuation Insertion to automatically correct speech recognition errors and insert punctuation into speech transcripts, enhancing the readability and clarity of the content.
Generative AI Summarization to generate concise summaries highlighting key facts and insights from the Policy Address Speech.
During the live broadcast, CPII’s Speech-to-Summary Meeting Assistant provided real-time automated recognition, translation and summarization. The speech recognition engine instantly transcribes the spoken audio, while generative AI distills the transcripts into concise bullet-point highlights every minute. This significantly enhances the traditional, laborious processes of human note-taking and summarization. The AI-generated summaries are displayed as rolling bullet points during RTHK 32’s live-streamed broadcasts, offering viewers immediate access to essential information and enhancing their understanding of the Policy Address.

About CPII: The Centre for Perceptual and Interactive Intelligence (CPII) is an InnoCentre focusing on R&D of Artificial Intelligence, established by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and funded by the InnoHK Scheme. CPII is running research programs covering Speech & Language Intelligence and Visual Intelligence, as well as developing applications for Vision- and Language- based Healthcare AI, Vision-based Urban Services, and AI-Enabled Design and Automation. With a commitment to innovation, CPII aims to pioneer strong differentiation and value propositions within industries in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, catalyzing digital transformation by redefining existing processes and services.

CUHK Innovation & Entrepreneurship Exhibition(只提供英文版本)

CPII is pleased to participate in the CUHK Innovation & Entrepreneurship Exhibition, the first large-scale community exhibition at Shatin New Town Plaza held from 22 – 28 Aug 2024, showcasing cutting-edge research projects with programmes including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and STEM experiential workshops for the public. The opening ceremony is officiated by Mr Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong government, Professor John Chai, Chairman of the Council at CUHK, and Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, along with Mr Christopher Kwok Kai-wang, Executive Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited.

Centre Director Professor Helen Meng and Principal Investigator Professor Yeung Yam warmly welcomed Mr. Paul Chan and Professor Rocky S. Tuan at the CPII booth. They demonstrated CPII’s innovative projects, highlighting cutting-edge technological advancements, and engaged in insightful discussions.

博智感知交互研究中心與司知文化傳媒控股有限公司簽署合作備忘錄 新聞稿

[香港,2024年6月26日] – 博智感知交互研究中心(博智)今日(6月26日)與司知文化傳媒控股有限公司(司知)正式簽署為期兩年的合作備忘錄,共同致力於將人工智能應用於數碼媒體行業當中, 將研究成果轉化成社會各範疇的應用。
The agreement was signed by Professor Helen Meng, Director of CPII, and Mr Raymond Neoh, Founder and Director of CGGE. The signing was witnessed by Dr Anthony Neoh, QC, SC, JP, and Professor Yeung Yam, Principal Investigator of CPII.




Prof. Helen Meng’s Pioneering Contributions and Leadership in AI-Driven Research Highlighted by CUHK WeChat Post(只提供英文版本)

We are delighted to share the news that our Centre Director, Prof. Helen Meng, was recently featured in a post titled “我們,不止撑起半邊天” published by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on their WeChat channel on March 8th, 2024. This post celebrates the remarkable achievements of women scientists from CUHK, who have illuminated the path of innovation and authored extraordinary stories.

Prof. Meng joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1998, becoming the first female professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management. From 2012 to 2018, she also served as the first female head of the department.

Prof. Meng’s affiliation with CPII (Center for Perception and Interactive Intelligence) has led to various impactful projects. These projects include the use of AI to restore speech for patients with speech disorders, enabling caregivers to better understand their speech. Another project involves leveraging artificial intelligence to create customized clothing that ensures greater comfort for patients during their activities. Prof. Meng emphasizes that research goes beyond academic papers and emphasizes the importance of proof of concept, enabling the evolution of ideas into practical applications.


香港中文大學成立的博智感知互動研究中心 (CPII),與香港電台合作,利用AI技術革新了電視廣播的多語言資訊摘要流程。 通過創新的AI研究與開發,CPII實現了三語語音識別、翻譯、自動錯誤更正和自動信息摘要的無縫集成,實時支援了2月28日財政司司長的預算案演説及隨後新聞發布會的廣播。

The Budget Speech and Press Conference, vital events in the financial calendar, demand accurate and timely dissemination of key information to the public. With CPII’s innovative AI technologies, the RTHK 32 TV Broadcasts offered audiences comprehensive insights into critical information and updates.

Media Coverage Recap: CPII and RTHK MOU Signing Ceremony(只提供英文版本)

CPII is pleased to announce that CPII and RTHK MOU Signing Ceremony were successfully held on 5th January 2024. The ceremony marked a significant milestone in our commitment to fostering collaboration and innovation between the public broadcasting institution and the research community, particularly in leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) technology for public broadcasting services and facilitating the application of research findings across various sectors.

We are grateful for the support and recognition received from various media, including 1. RTHK English News

1. RTHK 凝聚香港 Hong Kong United

2. Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau

3. Mingpao

4. Hong Kong Economic Journal

5. Hong Kong Economic Times

6. Sing Tao Headline

7. Wenweipo

Intelligent Surgical Workflow Recognition for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection with Real-Time Animal Study(只提供英文版本)

CPII is pleased to announce that the research project “Intelligent surgical workflow recognition for endoscopic submucosal dissection with real-time animal study” was published in Nature Communications and Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. This project aims to develop an efficient annotation tool to support the established standardized annotation protocol and develop AI segmentation algorithms for tissue safe-zones of ESD. With the engagement of our investigators, Professor Qi Dou, Professor Yeung Yam, and Professor Helen Meng, a modularized and extendable platform (named AI-ENDO) is developed to conduct user experiments with the endoscopists and to validate the acceptability and added value of the developed techniques in clinical practice. This project helps to improve the endoscopic surgical safety of gastrointestinal cancer.

Ming Pao News(只提供英文版本)

CPII is pleased to announce that our Centre Director, Professor Helen Meng, was interviewed by Ming Pao News on 11 July 2023 regarding the development of AI. In the interview, Professor Meng shared her insights on the challenges and opportunities presented by AI. She suggested that Hong Kong could learn from the experiences of Mainland China and the EU in developing regulations and policies to ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI. Professor Meng emphasised the importance of balancing innovation with ethical consideration.

We are look forward to her continued leadership in advancing the responsible development and use of AI in Hong Kong and beyond.

Ming Pao News(只提供英文版本)

CPII is pleased to announce that our Centre Director, Professor Helen Meng, has been featured in Ming Pao News. In the interview, Professor Meng introduced the “AI Meeting Assistant”. “AI Meeting Assistant” provides real-time translation and summarisation services for conferences, using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to recognise and translate spoken language, as well as to identify and summarise key points. With “AI Meeting Assistant”, users can translate a 2-hour movie and generate subtitles within 10 minutes.

Phoenix TV Interview(只提供英文版本)

CPII is pleased to announce that our Centre Director, Prof. Helen Meng, was interviewed by Phoenix TV on 9 May 2023. During the interview, Prof. Meng expressed that the rapid development of Generative AI might lead to a phenomenon called “Echo Chamber” which means people will only encounter information and knowledge that reflect and reinforce their own. She further shared that the database of Conversational AI is massive and some information might have copyright. Users should be aware of getting involved in plagiarism.