Smart Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Principal Investigator

Professor Rosanna CHAN

Adjunct Associate Professor

Department of Information Engineering

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Rosanna Chan received her BEng, MPhil, MEd and PhD degrees from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Rosanna possesses a multidisciplinary background in engineering, education, and learning sciences.


Smart Augmentative and Alternative Communication

This technology aims at empowering the functionality of conventional augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) applications with language AI. By using this AAC technology, people having communication disabilities can overcome their difficulties and conduct daily communication. This application is definitely improving their daily lives and enhance social inclusion.

Alternate Interaction Methods
Neuro-Linguistic Inspired Algorithms

Supporting Non-Verbal Communication

This invention utilizes the latest advancements and ongoing research in language intelligence to provide support for non-verbal communication among individuals with complex communication needs. These individuals may lack the necessary cognitive abilities or motor skills to engage in daily conversations. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), which offer alternative approaches to verbal and written communication, are employed to compensate for communication impairments and supplement verbal interactions.

Eye-Tracking Feature

AAC client application is designed specifically for individuals with severely limited motor abilities. We have integrated a commercially available eye tracker into our application, which allows users to express themselves through eye movement. The client application is connected to our cloud-based AAC server, which hosts a language model capable of providing symbol recommendations based on user input patterns. Moreover, we collaborate with a local company to develop AAC clients into social robots for children with special requirements.